Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gender Virtualization

Yesterday I gave a presentation to the GLBT community at Intel of my current topic - Gender Virtualization - New perspectives and Frameworks on Crossdressing and Gender Identity - a new, upcoming, work-in-progress book. The basic hypothesis is that a transgender male can successfully live in a female identity in work and social environments without the need for surgical reassignment. Not intended to be the same as a Transsexual scenario, but the experience may be very similar. I am developing this topic further and plan to have this book published later this year.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

2008 Google Annual Stockholders Meeting

Living here in Silicon Valley, I had the fortunate opportunity to attend Google's annual stockholders meeting today.
Lunch for the stockholders in Charlie's Cafe was fantastic as you would guess.
Nice review of Google's strong position and directions by CEO Eric Schmidt.
Lots of questions and discussion from the audience on Google's efforts to deliver tools in China to balance preserving freedom of information, and at the same time meeting the government's requirements on restricted information when necessary.
I also asked a question about their priorities between revenue growth in China and maintaining Google's principles of information freedom, a strong paradox in that country.
Visit the website to hear the podcast of Eric, Sergey, and Larry discuss Google's position on these issues.
I have to say Google is very smart in doing the right thing, and it clearly shows in the great products and services.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Restaurant / Club - AsiaSF

News today about one of my favorite restaurant / clubs in San Francisco, AsiaSF, is opening a second location in Hollywood this fall. This club features gender illusionists who not only serve customers, but also perform on the catwalk and get up close to the clientele to discuss and de-mystify some of the common misperceptions about transgendered people.

This club not only has great atmosphere and extremely gorgeous and talented staff, but surprisingly sophisticated cuisine and drinks too. A very comfortable and cheerful atmosphere, this club is a great place to go to be entertained by the ultimate in beauty, and especially if you have an open mind willing to be expanded even further.

If anyone is in the SF area and would like some company to check out AsiaSF, let me know and I'll be glad to take you.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Here's a good recent news article:

Transgender Rights Run Into Bathroom Politics
Run Date: 04/28/08
By Shanelle MatthewsWeNews correspondent
A county ordinance in Maryland that protects transgender rights is facing a public referendum challenge in November. One transgender advocate says it looks like a test case for national opposition to the antidiscrimination push.

This article brings transgender cases more into the open, and discusses what may be considered appropriate public restroom use.
I think the concern for safety is valid. But if people are using restrooms appropriately, does it matter what body parts are under the clothes, or inside the stalls? How does one really know, or should people really know?